
Bad Bishop Studios is an independent comic studio tucked away in California’s high desert, home to Devin Welborn and whatever ridiculous ideas he decides to put on paper.

The comics here are a little offbeat and a little irreverent, and definitely not worried about fitting into anyone’s mold. You’re in the right place if you enjoy humor that doesn’t take itself too seriously (or follow a rulebook no one agreed on).

So, kick back, embrace the nonsense, and enjoy some independent comics that do their own thing.

The Artist

Devin is an army brat who landed in Southern California’s high desert in the mid-90s where he’s been sweating ever since. He’s a smartass who loves dick and fart jokes and horror movies and would totally have sex with a pizza if he wasn’t in a committed relationship.

When he’s not making comics, he’s probably overthinking everything, yelling at his computer, or debating whether existential dread counts as a hobby.